Pastor’s Page

Pastor Kevin Hinton and wife Windy Hinton

Pastor Kevin Hinton and wife Windy Hinton


Pastor's Testimony

Saved at the age of 21, I began my life as a born-again Christian. Truly old things passed away and all things became new. As I began my new life with Jesus, I found that I had walked into a brand new world, and with the discovery of this new world, I had through Christ, found myself.

Just 7 months later I answered God's call into ministry. A short time later I became an evangelist with the Church of God. After five years in the evangelistic field, on July 1, 1990, I became pastor of Plano Chapel.

It is my desire that you have the abundant life Christ came to give. In a world full of religion, it is my desire that at Plano, you will find not just a church but, that you find the man Christ Jesus.

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Church Of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood."

ACTS 20:28


Sister Windy's Testimony

The night I got saved I truly was without hope, and I was definitely a sinner. At an early age I was experiencing drugs, alcohol, violence and abuse. It was around and nothing I could do to stop it. I was fortunate to have an aunt who was a Christian. I was switched back and forth it seemed like from one extreme to the other. In these types of atmospheres you have to grow up quicker than others. All in all, I had a pretty good childhood.

I usually didn't let anything get me down. I was too tough to cry. At the age of thirteen, my dad was involved in an homicide accident and was sent to prison. My brother and my sister and I would go and visit him in prison when we could. I used to envy my friends home life when I went to visit because they were so loving and normal.

My mom remarried but, our homelife didn't change much. There wasn't as much violence, but there was drinking and parties every other weekend. By the time I was sixteen years old, I was hooked on cigarettes, pot, pills, alcohol, ungodly relationships and rock and roll. I thought I was finally getting the attention I deserved, but I was going down the wrong road to get it.

I was saved July 22, 1994. A lot had happened to me from the age of sixteen until the age of twenty-two. That night I realized what I had needed the most, I had run from. If only I had listened to my aunt all through the years, it would have saved me from a lot of heartache and pain. I saw the world in a brand new light. Its been over seventeen years now since that night I was born again.

Since that night I have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I sing gospel music instead of rock music, I minister the gospel in jails and I am married to a wonderful Christian man who is a preacher of the gospel and who is the Pastor of Plano Chapel Holiness Church in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Who would have ever known that I would one day be a Pastor's wife, or that I would be telling the incarcerated about Jesus? Not Me. Truly we are in God's hands. I am just one of the fortunate ones who received Christ as my savior before it was too late. Is your life in a mess?

Do you often wonder why things never work out and why you are so unhappy? I can tell you why: you are not serving the true and the Living God. You are serving the god of this world. You are trusting in what you are doing instead of what God can do. Remember, Jesus died on the cross for you. He died for the ungodly and sinners. He took our place, shouldn't we thank him by giving our life to him?